Social Gallery - Premium WordPress Social Lightbox [Pro] Plugin URI: Description: Social Gallery is the ultimate Social Lightbox for WordPress. Version: 2.3 Author: Epic --------------------------- Copyright 2012-2013, Epic, MYO Ltd. --------CHANGE LOG-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- v2.3 - 05/07/2013 --------------------------- - Moved Author/Copyright to Epic - Added jQuery Version awareness to plugin - will now prompt front end on outdated version of jQuery (requires 1.8.2 +) - Fixed getDesc Bug - Fixed bug in upscaling defaulting to 1.1 (110%) when set to 1 (100%) - Fixed Facebook like popout window CSS - Added upgrade path for v2.3 --------------------------- v2.2 - 26/03/2013 --------------------------- - Changed references of "get_bloginfo('wpurl')" to "site_url()" - Fixed a javascript bug in v2.1 with Justified Image Grid (JIG) titles - Fixed a v2.0 bug which didn't show/hide "specific css selector" option on changing drop down selection - Fixed a bug with Justified Image Grid (JIG) setup not working with Justified Image Grid until whole page has loaded inc scripts. - Fixed the performance issue which was causing slow-downs for large scale sites - Removed "You have recently updated your settings, please crawl.." prompt as it seems to not be helpful any longer - Added functionality: Delete images from Social Gallery Library via "Image Library" - Added functionality: "Admin Tools" tab on settings - Added functionality: "Clear Image Library" - Advanced Admin Management function - Added functionality: "Clear Scan History" - Advanced Admin Management function - Added functionality: "Prompt to Download Images" - If enabled web site visitors clicking "Download" on an image will automatically get a prompt to "save file as..." - Added functionality: On/Off switch for "Prompt to Download" setting - Improved "Prompt to Download" - uses permalinks for each image download to stop scrapers + prettify --------------------------- v2.1 - 14/03/2013 --------------------------- - Fixed bug in social crawler - Fixed a bug with Social Gallery Pages "title" attribute - Fixed a bug with facebook app Id's incFBAppID - Fixed bug in mobile detector - Fixed sharedeck "undefined" issue - Fixed "http" -> "https" bug for twitter script include [Thank You David Wilks] - Fixed bug where tweet links to page (now links to Social Gallery Page or Fallback) - Fixed bug where g+ links to page (now links to Social Gallery Page or Fallback) - Fixed Bug in single-social-gallery-image template - Fixed options in single-social-gallery-image template - Fixed options in SocialGallery.Library.php - Fixed bug in title attribution - all titles should display correctly now - Fixed "X" close character overlap with scroll bar - Fixed broken link (aka "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." bug) - Removed swipe functionality from js - Removed SocialGalleryMobile.js - Removed some old legacy options from header - Removed "swipe" experimental functionality - Improved admin notice styling - Added Social Stats bridge functionality - Applied Fix for IE10 for navigation backgrounds [Thanks Jan Helleman] [] - Added setting: delay for social media stat updates - Added addon finding functionality - Added "Addons" to settings screen - Added field retrieval for social stats - Added viewing of individual images via admin area (for comment moderation) - Added facebook comment validation - Added DAL helpers & Time spent calculator - Added Social Gallery Page awareness to viewer + Social Gallery Page template - Added MobileDetect engine - Added On/Off for mobile switch/option - Added "Devices" page to settings - Added On/Off breakdown for mobile AND tablets - Added Tablet option for mobile switch - Added settings for Mobile addon - Added Overrides for Mobile addon - Added awareness of Mobile addon - Added option "Custom CSS" for overriding SG default CSS - Added "Disable Social Gallery Per Post/Page" meta boxes to posts/pages - Added esc_attr ready titles - you can now include encoded html in your titles to be output [Thanks Firsh] - Added capacity to specify HTML Descriptions PER IMAGE via HTML5 data attributes (data-desc on image link) - Added esc_attr HTML ready descriptions - you can now include encoded html in your description overrides to be output - HTML per images :D [Thanks Firsh] - Added On/Off for "Disable Social Gallery Per Post/Page" feature to Settings - Added capacity to properly save "custom-social-gallery-image.php" templates - Wrote a proper options model/class - Wrote a "backup" routine for settings - Wrote migration to new options model - Settings Model complete with new upgrade path - Made settings page remember your tab when you save settings (persistent tabs) - Formally removed option "Include Swipe" [experimental feature] - Improved Add-on install validation + styling - Moved "Tweet Via" to settings page - allowing you to set your own Tweet Via @ - Moved Facebook App ID to be included next to "Include FB Source" in settings - Tweaked Facebook App ID label - Updated pinterest share code in-line with there latest code - Pinterest doesn't currently support AJAX adding of buttons, hence load new window: - Despite pinterests' lack of compatability I have written a custom workaround - pinterest button now should be fixed via AJAX force - Implemented "Custom CSS" via front-end - Implemented Total disabling of Social Gallery per post/page, including header includes etc. - Moved Mobile Add-on settings to "Add-ons" tab in settings - Improved Justified Image Grid Mode to use new Selector from Firsh - .jigsSgConnect a.jig-loaded [Thanks Firsh] --------------------------- v2.0 - 13/12/2012 --------------------------- - Fixed bug in Option Backup - Fixed Chrome bug causing an undesirable scrollbar - Fixed a fault which occured when people incorrectly set Disqus options - Fixed Removed plugin background causing leak effects - Fixed Object To Array beta bug - Fixed mis-margin setting by some themes overriding css - better css resetting for image vertical-alignment - Fixed errors with renamed install zips - Fixed 4 bugs related to image proportion, gallery margin and scaling - Improvement: Re-engineered Image resizing using viewport methodology - Improvement: Added facebook style shadow - Improvement: All variables, functions and naming brought inline with convention & cleaned - Improvement: Seperate inclusion for all CSS3 effects for faster, effecient loading - Improvement: Settings backed up on upgrade - Improvement: Added capacity to enable/disable Social Gallery Pages function - Improvement: Refined "Social Gallery Pages" & fallback functionality to keep it simpler for users - Improvement: Re-wrote install wizard to simplify initial settings - Improvement: Made it easier to share Social Gallery and Earn a commision - Improvement: Catching of incorrectly loaded urls - Improvement: Redeveloped Social Gallery Plugin Homepage - Improvement: Library, Social Statistics & Update Engine Pages - Improvement: Updated documentation - Improvement: Tested & Tweaked for IE10 - Improvement: Built specific social gallery encoder to ultimately minify code (for faster loading.) - Added Social Gallery Pages functionality - Added Social Gallery Pages customisation - Added ability to use Google Adsense in place of comments - Added CSS3 Animation's for opening & closing Social Gallery [v2 easter egg] - Added Tumblr Sharing - Added Linked In Sharing - Added Google+ Sharing - Added FullScreen Mode - Added Full Image Library - Added PHP5 & viability checks - Added Image Library Acquisition (Two Levels of Scanner) - Added Image Library Social Statistics (Future module) - Added Social Statistics Acqusition - Added Install Wizard - Added Unique Url Formulation ( - Added OG + Meta for Each Image. - Added Pretty Urls for Unique Social Gallery Pages - Added "As seen on" to unique Social Gallery Pages - Added FullScreen Mode icon - Added AJAX admin management - Added Progress bar and auto-resume to acquisition - Added Proper auto-resume - Added Image Viewing to Image Library - Added Compatible Themes & Plugins feed to homepage - Added Social Gallery News to homepage - Added functionality: Image Gallery Margin Setting - Added functionality: Image Gallery Enlarging via Setting - Added Proper full screen adjustments - Added "Forced fullscreen" mode - Added CSS Deselectors - Added Theme Engine pre-cursors - Added Theme Engine - Added 4 Starter-Themes - Added library storage of image dimensions - Added properly defined fullscreen mode so as it can deal with images of all sizes persistently and on the fly - Added functionality which allows local + remote images of all sizes - Added .noLightBox and .noSocialGallery defaults --------------------------- v1.4 - 08/09/2012 --------------------------- - Added Integration with Justified Image Grid - Added Swipe Gestures [experimental] for mobile - Added Download Image Link Functionality - Added Automatic Update Checking - Added "Share your options with developer" functionality - Added Stronger CSS rules to allow Social Gallery to appear the same throughout your differing themes - Added Automatic NextGen Compatability Features - Added NextGen Gallery Overview Mode - Added NextGen Widget Only Mode - Added NextGen Thumbnails Mode - Added NextGen Compatability Mode - Added Gallery Compatability Mode - Added Compatability Mode - Added Page Images Mode - Updated Post Images Mode - Updated Help Documentation - Fixed a bug with Disqus script inclusion --------------------------- v1.3 - 07/09/2012 --------------------------- - Several minor fixes --------------------------- v1.2 - 26/07/2012 --------------------------- - Added Disqus Commenting - Added option to toggle faces on Facebook Like/Send button - Added loading image - Added social links to config header - Added capacity to override Facebook App ID - Added showcase links - Added upgrade routine (1.0->1.2) - Fixed Pinterest bug - Fixed alignment of images Bug - Improved Documentation - Numerous tiny tweaks and refactoring --------------------------- v1.0 - 19/07/2012 - Release ---------------------------